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Opening Times

Nursery children can be dropped off at their fire exit doors at 8:45am and collected from the same place at 3pm. If Nursery children are just attending one session per day, these are as follows:

8:45am - 11:45am - Session 1 
12pm - 3pm - Session 2 

Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 can be dropped off by their classroom fire exit doors at 8:30am and collected at 3pm from the same place. 

Year 4 children can be dropped off at their fire exit doors at 8:30am. They will be taken by their teacher to the front KS1 playground at 3pm for collection.  

UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) children can enter through their classroom fire exit doors at 8:30am and collected from the same location at 3pm.  

Please be aware that the pedestrian gates will be opened at 8:20am and closed at 8:35am. The only access for late-comers is via the main entrance at the front of the school. All gates will be unlocked at 2.50pm in time for the afternoon collection and closed at 3:05pm.