Personal Development
At Reffley Academy, we teach Personal Development in a range of ways throughout the children's school lives:
- It is taught explicitly within RSHE and RE lessons
- It is taught within other subjects such as PE, Computing and English
- Additional money sense lessons within RSHE
- Our inclusion policy is centred around restorative practise and encourages all children to take part in discussions
- Assemblies which are planned to ensure coverage of British Values, School Values as well as any other whole school events
- Celebration assemblies
- E-Safety lessons within assemblies and computing lessons
- After school and breakfast clubs
- Competitive sport fixtures within the cluster and with other schools
- Children are taught about career opportunities which begins in EYFS
- School council
- Enrichment days e.g. Hello Yellow, Democracy Day, World Thinking Day
- School trips
- Bikeability for children within KS2
- CC1 - all year groups have first aid and personal development lessons for a full half term with outside providers
- Books have been selected for the library and class reading areas to increase Cultural Capital
- Pupil voice activities are included across all curriculum areas to encourage discussion and gain feedback
- Music lessons
- Visitors into school
- Mental health support teams to work with children regarding transitions, anxiety etc
- Designated pastoral support Teaching Assistant